qui, 01 de jul de 2021 às 14:28


I don't know if you read last week's article where I explained what an ergonomist consultant is and what a consultant does if you haven't read it, you can access it here!

In today's article and in future articles I will explain in detail all the opportunities for you. If you are just starting out, you are interested in knowing this area, you are confused... Rest assured you are in the right place :)

Today I will explain to you the first service:


We know that where there are environments there are people and where there are people there are environments, people are different in terms of measurements, biotypes and even perceptions. Ergonomics is a powerful tool to help professionals who design environments, as environments directly impact our health, well-being and even our behavior.

Also called Design Ergonomics, we apply to new projects, new sectors or new jobs in corporate, commercial, hospital and educational environments.

The literature reports several studies that relate the effectiveness of the effects of ergonomics in projects, it is known that design ergonomics can be widely applied to the project without the need for "further improvements" ie an ergonomic project RAIZ is more or minus the same principle of a sustainable environment!

You do it only once :) which is great for you and your customer too!

You can also work on replacing furniture, lighting system associated with the lighting project, changing the layout, the ideal is always to use ergonomics as a powerful tool in your project!

Another skill related to the use of design ergonomics is associated with compliance with regulatory standards, especially NR 17 - Ergonomics, fundamental and very important NBR standards for companies in any segment.

Another environment also covered by design ergonomics is the RESIDENTIAL! That should be considered, as it is directly associated with people's quality of life, mental and emotional health, with ergonomics being extremely important to favor these aspects.

What are the topics ergonomically evaluated in design ergonomics:

  Physical Ergonomics:

It relates to physical factors: furniture (tables, chairs, mattresses...), environmental factors (temperature, noise, relative humidity...), anthropometric factors (relation of user measurements vs. technical specifications), sustainability, materials, accident prevention, accessibility, among others....

Cognitive Ergonomics:

It relates to mental aspects, cognitive factors, performance and decision making. In the consulting process, we evaluate aspects related to the mental load itself and how best to optimize these aspects in the projects.

Organizational Ergonomics:

It relates to organizational aspects, organizational culture and corporate layouts.

In my daily routine I serve several professional architects and designers there is a REAL lack in this area, most professionals understand that ergonomics is just what was seen in graduation but in fact IT IS MUCH MORE THAN THAT! It is a very rich area with many opportunities still open!

The moment professionals include ergonomics in their projects, they start to differentiate themselves in the market, adding value and a lot of differentiated technical knowledge! Generating robust cases with data and proven results through various tools provided by ergonomics.

Not to mention the financial increase after all, knowledge is a precious asset! Professionals trained in ergonomics can either apply their knowledge in their projects, or provide consulting services to other architecture and interior design offices.

Another application in ergonomics that is much in demand at the moment is ACCESSIBILITY! Companies have a need due to the Quotas Law for this reason it is a matter of great relevance, although there are still few professionals who work with it. To carry out accessible projects, ergonomics is a prerequisite!

Existe uma norma específica para acessibilidade a ABNT/NBR 9050 que traz diversas informações e pode facilmente ser encontrada no google além de ser gratuita :)

Quer estudar e aprender mais sobre ergonomia em vídeos também?

Se inscreva no meu canal "Viver de Ergonomia"  no YouTube basta clicar aqui! 

Acompanhe o conteúdo no Telegram: https://t.me/ergo_projetos 

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Até o próximo post ;) 

Cristiane Cantele
Senior Ergonomist
Wellness Sciences Specialist